Wednesday, 1 August 2012

MCA-3, Algorithm and graph theory

MCA-3, Algorithm and Graph Theory

Note : Answers are at the end of this paper.

1.         The space requirement S (p) of any algorithm p may be written as ………….
      A) T (P) = c + Tp    B) S (P) = c + Sp   C)         S (P) = Sp                     D)         S (P) = T (P) + C+SP

2.         The total number of steps required by the algorithm is determined to be ……….
            A)         2n                     B)         3n + 2n             C)         2n + 2   D)         2n + 3

3.       A data structure known as ………… in which a location of an item is determined directly as a function of the item itself, rather than a sequence or trail and error comparisons
          A)           Stack                B)         Queue               C)         Heap                             D)         Hash-table

4.       An Average case element comparison in max and Min. Algorithm is ……………
          A)           n - 1       B)         2( n – 1 )                       C)         3( n - 1)             D)         None of the above.

5.       In ……….. the division into two sub arrays is made so that the sorted sub arrays do not need to merg later.
          A)           Quick sort       B)         Merge sort          C)         bubble sort                    D)         Heap sort

6.       The time complexity of merge sort is ………….
          A)           O (n log n)                                 B)         O (n2)               C)         n log n  D)         O (n3)

7.       ……….. Algorithm determined the length of the shortest path from v0 to all other vertices in G
          A)   Dijkstra’s algorithm B)    Knapsack algorithm       C)         Greedy algorithm D)       None of the above

8.       The Greedy method simply requires storing the problems in non decreasing order to their lengths. This ordering can be carried out in ----
          A)           O (log n)        B)        n O (log n)                 C)         O (n log n)         D)         None of the above
9.       The Greedy Knapsack algorithm requires ---------- time.
          A)           O (n)                 B)        O (n log n)                     C)         O (n2)   D)        O (n3)

10      Computing time for Tree is ----------
          A            O (1)                B)         (n2)                  C)         O (n log n)                     D)         Dashed
 11.        A multistage graph G = (V, E) is a ---------in which the vertices are partitioned into 2 disjoint sets
            A)         Undirected graph            B)         Directed graph   C)         Multistage graph            D)        None of the above

12.        ---------- States that satisfiability is in p if and only if p = NP
            A) Cook’s algorithm         B)        Euler algorithm C)         Crock algorithm D)        Kook’s algorithm

13.        Determining whether a planer is three colorable is --------
            A)    NP complete         B)        NP-hard              C)         Both A) &B)        D)        None of the above

14.        Obtaining whether a planer graph is three colorable Is ------
            A)         NP-hard                        B)        NP complete                 C)         Both A) &B)        D)        None of the above

15.        The total number of edge in G is --------------
             A)        n (n+1)/2                        B)        n (n-1)/2                        C)         (n-1)/2    D)        (n+1)/2 

16.        Sub graphs that do not even have vertices in common are said to be --------
            A)         Vertex disjoint  B)         Edge disjoint     C)         Vertex joint         D)        Edge joint  

17.        Every connected graph has at least on --------
            A)         Tree                   B)        Spanning Tree               C)         Graph   D)        None of the above

18.        The total number of different Hamiltonian Circuits in a complete graph on n vertices can be shown to be
            A)         n!/2                    B)        (n+1)!/2                         C)         (n-1)!/2  D)        None of the above

19.        A graph consisting of only isolated vertices is ------
            A)         1-chromatic       B)         2- chromatic      C)         3-chromatic        D)        r- chromatic

20.        A--------is the expression of an algorithm in a programming language.
            A)         Program       B)        Software  C)    Computational procedures  D)        None of the above

21.        The -------- of a node all the nodes along the path froth the root to that node.
            A)         Forest                B)        Siblings             C)         Degree  D)        Ancestors

22.        An optimal a job, one has to process the job on a machine for ---------- unit of time.
            A)         Maximum           B)        Minimum                       C)         Equal     D)        None of the above

  23.       The greedy method for knapsack problem takes ------ time to determine the solutions
            A)         O(n2)                B)        O(n log n)                      C)         n log n  D)        O(n2)

24.        In dynamic programming --------- sequences may be generated.
            A)         One decision      B)        Two decision     C)         Many decision    D)        Only one

25.        The average number of comparison in an unsuccessful binary search using divide and conquer method is
            A)         U(n)=1+1/n                    B)        U(n)=1+E/n       C)         U(n)=E/(n+1)      D)        U(n)=I/(n+1)

26.        The average case to find the maximum element in a set of n elements is
            A)         (n-1) comparisons                                              B)         2(n-1) comparisons
            C)         3(n-1) comparisons                                            D)         3(n-1) comparisons

27.        O (2n) is called
            A)         linear                B)        Quadratic                      C)         Cubic     D)        Exponential

28.        In the worst case, the time taken to insert a new element in a heap of n elements is
            A)         O(n)                  B)        O(n 2)                C)         O( log n)                        D)        O(n log n)         

29.        For quick sort, the worst-case time is
            A)         O(n)                  B)        O(n 2)                C)         O(n log n)                      D)         O( log n)

30.        The greed knapsack algorithm requires time.
            A)         O (n)                 B)         Ө (n)     C)         Ω(n)                   D)        None of these

31.        The worst case complexity for traveling salesperson is
            A)         O(n22)               B)        O(n222)              C)         O(n22n)              D)        O(n log n2)        

32.        Obtaining minimum finish time schedule on m, m >= 2, identical processors is ---------
            A)         NP complete     B)         NP-hard            C)         Lower boundary  D) Ordered searching

33.        The total number of different Hamiltonian circuits in a complete graph of five vertices is -------
            A)         (n-1)/2                                        B)        (n-1)!                
  C)           (n-1)!/2                                      D)        2(n-1)!

34.        A drawing of a geometric representation is called -------
            A)         Debugging         B)        embedding              C)      Geometric graph     D)        Planar graph

35.        --------- states that a connected planar graph with n vertices and e edges has e-n+2 regions.
            A)         Kurtosis first graph                      B)        Kurtosis 2nd graph                    
C)           Euler’s formula                            D)        Chromatic polynomial

36.        a complete asymmetric digraph of n vertices contains ---------edges.
A)           n(n-1)    B)         n(n-1)/2 C)         (n-1)/2   D)         (n-1)!

37.        The length of the path is?
            A)         No of circuits                             B)         Number of loops
            C)         No of vertices                             D)         No of edges

38.        A disconnected graph with _______component has a spanning forest consisting of k spanning trees
            A)         k                      B)         k-1                    C)         (k-1)/2               D)         k(k-1)/2

39.        The total no of different Hamiltonian circuits in a complete graph of n vertices are
            A)         (n-1)/2               B)         (n-1)! /2             C)         (n-1)/2! n (n-1)!/2

40.        A Connected planar graph with n vertices and e edges has ----------- regions
            A)         e-n+2                 B)        n-e+2                C)         e+n-2     D)        n+e-2

41.        The vertices of every planar graph can be properly colored with------- colors
            A)         3                       B)        4                      C)         5           D)        any

42.    Which algorithm traverses the edges of a given such that every edge is traversed exactly once and each vertex is visited at least once.
            A)         Depth-first-search                        B)        Breadth-first-search
            C)         Planarity testing                          D)        Circuit-path decomposition

43.        If more than one edge is associated within given pair of vertices, it is referred as
            A)         Self loop           B)        Loop                 C)         Parallel edge      D)        Hamiltonian edge

44.        What does the following program do?
            1)         # define MAX_CHAR 10 //maximum key length                  
2)            # define TABLE_ SIZE 13          
3)            typedef struct
4)            {
5)            Char key [MAX_CHAR];
6)            //other fields
7)            } element
8)            Element ht [TABLE_SIZE];

A)           Creation of hash function transforms                    B)         Hash table creation
C)           Apple of the Hash function                                  D)         Hash table initialization

45.        For Quick sort, the worst-case time is ------- the average time is only -----
            A)         O (n), O(n log n) B)         O(n log n),         C)         O (n log n),O (n2)   D)         O(n2), O(n log n)

46.        Identify the following statement is true or false
            a)         In greedy method many decision sequence is generated
            b)         In dynamic programming only one decision sequence is generated
            A)         a-true, b-true      B)         a-true, b-false    C)         a-false, b-false   D)         a-false, b-false

47.     In branch and terminology, a BFS like state space search will be called __________search as the list of live node is _______list
          A)           FIFO,FIFO        B)         LIFO,LIFO                     C)         FIFO,LIFO    D)         LIFO,LIFO

48.     Identify the following theorems are true or false
          a)            The clique problem is polynomials transformable to the vertex cover problem.
          b)            The bin packing problem is NP-hard
          A)           a-t, b-f   B)         a-f, b-t   C)         a-f, b-t   D)         a-f, b-f

49.     Hamiltonian circuit in a graph of --------- vertices consists of exactly --------edges
          A)           n, n              B)      n-1,n-1       C)      n, n-1         D)      n-1, n

50.     Every       planar graph is ---------colorable and bipartite graph is ---------- colorable
         A)      2,4               B)      4,2               C)     2,2              D)      4,4

51.    The traveling sales person and the knapsack problems for witch the best algorithms have
         Complexities ---------and ---------respectively
A)         O(n22n),O(2 n/2)      B)  O(2 n/2),O(n22n)        C)  O(n22n)/2, O(2 n/2)/2    D) none of the above

52.   Expand MRT
            A)   More retrieval time                                       B)         Maximum retrieval time
            C)   Mean Retrieval time                                     D)         minimum retrieval time

53.        From the following pick the true statement
          i)   Euler graph is always connected except .for any isolated vertices the graph may have
         ii)   A given connected graph G is Euler 
iii) A connected graph is a Euler graph is a if and only if it ca be decomposed into circuits.
iv)   An Euler graph G is arbitrarily traceable from vertex v in G if and only if every circuits.

A)   i         B)         i, iv                   C)         i, iii,iv    D)         i, ii,iii,iv

54.        Let G = (V, E) be an undirected connected graph. A sub graph T = (V, E) of g is a spanning tree of G, ___
            A)         If T is a tree       B)         Iff T is a tree      C)         If T is a sub graph  D)  None of the above

55.        To formulate a greedy- based algorithm p is the sum of the ___ and ____
            A)         Multistage solution                                             B)         Optimization measure
            C)         Multistage solution & optimization measure          D)         Optimal solution

56.        If f (n) is the time for some algorithm, then we write ____ to mean that g (n) is a lower bound for f(n).
            A)         l f(n)l         ( l g(n) l                     B)         f(n)=  g(n)                      C)    f(n) = (g(n))             D)         None of the above

57.        Constrains in back tracing method are divided into two categories are ____ & _____.
            A) Implicit, explicit   B)       Internal, external  C)   DML, DDL   D)  User define, system defined

58.        Which of the followed are true?
            1)         Part is a open walk.      
2)            No vertex appears more than once
3)            No edge traversed more than once
4)            Path does not intersect if self

A)           1, 2 and 3          B)         1,3and 4            C)         2,3 and 4           D)         All of the above

59.        Which of the following statements are true?
            1)         A given connected graph G is Euler graph If and only if all vertices of G are of odd degree.
2)            A connected graph G is an Euler Graph if and only if it can be decomposed into components
3)       An Euler graph G is arbitrarily traceable from any vertex in G if and only if every component in g contains v.

A)       2 and 3      B)         1 and 3 C)         All of the above              D)         None of the above

60         About incidence matrix A, which observation are true?
1)            Two groups G1 & G2 are isomorphic if & only if their incidence matrices A (G1) & A(G2) are same by permutation of rows and columns
2)            A row with all Os, represent an isolated vertex
3)            Parallel edge in a graph produces identical columns in its incidence matrix

A)           1 and 2 B)         only 2   C)         1 and 3 D)         All of above

61.        How do you check that the queue is empty?
            A)         Front = = 0        B)         rear = = 0          C)         front = = rear     D)         front = = rear mod m

62.        The complexity divide and conquer algorithm is given by the recurrence of the form

            A)         T (n) = {aT (n/b) +f (n)     n > 1                 C)         T (n) = {T (an/b) +f (n) n > 1
B)           T (n) = {aT (an/b) +f (n) n > 1                   D)         T (n) = {aT (n/b) +f (n) n > 1

63.        Witch of the following is true?
            1.         All NP – complete problems are NP- hard
            2.         Some NP- hard are not know to be NP- complete 
3.       NP-hard problem can be solved in polynomial time if and only if all other NP-complete problem can be solved in polynomial time
A)       1 and 2      B)         2 and 3 C)         1 and 3 D)         All of the above

64         Which of the following is true for tress?
            1.         A spanning tree is the minimal tree of a graph
            2.         Spanning tree is defined only for a connected graph
            3.         Each component of a disconnected graph has a spanning tree
            4.         A disconnected graph with k component has a spanning forest consisting of k-1 spanning trees
A)           1 and 2 B)         2 and 3 C)         1 and 4             D)         All of the above

65.        Which of the following is true?
            A)         O(1)<O(log n )<O(n )<O(n log n)<O(n2)<O(n3)<O(2n)
            B)         O(1)<O(n)<O(log n )<O(n log n)<O(n2)<O(n3)<O(2n)
            C)         O(1)<O(n)<O(log n )<O(n log n)<O(2n)<O(n2)<O(n3)
            D)         O(1)<O(log n )<O(n )<O(n log n)<O(2n)<O(n2)<O(n3)

66.        for the given algorithm to insert an element into a heap. What is the error in the algorithm?
            1)         Algorithm Insert (a, n)
            2)         {
            3)         //Insert a[n] into the heap which is stored in a [1:n-1)]
            4)         i: =n; item: = a[n];
            5)         While ((item > 1) and (a [ei /cu^] < item)) do
            6)         {
            7)         a[i]:=a[i/2]; i = [I /2];
            8)         }
            9)         a[i]: = item; return true;
10)          }          

A)           Line 5               B)         Line 4   C)         Line 6   D)         No Error

67.        Related to typed of digraphs state whether the following statements are true or false
a.            Digraphs in which for every edge (a, b) there is also an edge (b,a) is Asymmetric Digraph
b.            Digraphs that have at most one directed edge between a pair of vertices, but are allowed to have self
Loops are called antisymmetric
c.      A digraph that has self loop or parallel edges is called a simple digraph
d.      A complete symmetric digraph is a simple digraph is a simple digraph in which there is exactly one
Edge between every pair of vertices
            A)         a- True, b- True, c-True, d-True    B)         a- True, b- True, c-False, d-True
            C)         a- False, b- False, c-False, d-False         D)         a- True, b- False, c-False, d-True

68.        State whether the following statements are true or false
            a.A problem that is NP- Complete has the property that it can not be solved in polynomial time if any
Only if all
                        Other NP- complete problem can also be solved in polynomial time
b.          If an NP-hard problem can be solved in polynomial time, then all NP- complete problem can be solved in
Polynomial time
c.            All NP- complete problem are NP-hard, but some NP-hard problem are to be NP-Complete
d.            The Clique problem is NP- Complete

A)           a- T, b – F, c – T, d – F                          B)         a- F, b – F, c – T, d – T
C)           a- T, b – F, c – F, d – T                          C)         a- F, b – T, c – F, d – T

69.        A Bipartite Graph is
            1.         Its vertex set v can be decomposed into disjoint subsets V1 and V2 such every edge in G joins a
Vertex in V1 with a vertex in V2.
2.          A tree
3.          Can have self loop.
4.          2- Colorable.

A.)          1, 2,3 only                     B)         2, 3, 4 only                    C)         1, 2, 4 only                    D)         All of the above

70.        Properties common to the two graphs of kuraltowski. These are
            1.         Both are regular graphs.
            2.         Both are planar.
            3.         Removal of one edge or a vertex makes each a non planar graph.
            4.         Kuratowki’s first graph is the planar graph with the smallest number of vertices 
            5.         Planer graph with the smallest number of edges.
A)           1- only              B)         1, 2, 3, only                   C)         1, 2 only            D) All of the above

71.        Which of the following are true?
            1.         An algorithm is a infinite set of instructions that, if followed, accomplishes particular task
            2.         Program that are definite and effective are also called Computational procedures
            3.         A program is the expression of computational procedures in a programming language results
            4.        Occurred if so, to correct them I
  5.                 Debugging is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the and       
              space it takes to compute the results
A)           2, 3, 4, 5, only   B)         1, 2, 3, 4, only   C)         4, 5 only            D)         All of the above

72.        Identify the following properties of trees which are correct
            1.         There is one and only one path between every pair of vertices in a tree.
            2.         If in a graph G there is one and only one path between every pair of vertices, G is a tree
            3.         A tree with n vertices has n edges
            4.         Any connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges is a tree
            5.         A graph is a tree if and only if is maximally connected
            6.         A graph G with n vertices, n-1 edges, and no circuit is connected
A)           1, 2, 4, 6           B)         1, 2, 3, 4,          C)         1, 3, 4, 5, 6   D)         All of the above

73.        In the following algorithm which algorithm does the deletion of an element from the Queue?
            A)  1. Algorithm DeleteQ (item)
                 2. {                      
                 3. rear : = (rear + 1) mode n;
                 4. item : = q[rear]                      
                 5. return true :       
                 6. }
            B)         1. Algorithm DeleteQ(item) 
2. {                       
3. q[rear]: = item
                        4. return true:  5.       }
            C)         1. Algorithm DeleteQ(item)
2. {                       
3. q[rear] := item
                        4.return true: 
5.       }
            D)         1. Algorithm DeleteQ(item)
 2. {                      
3. front := (front + 1) mode n;
                        4. item := q[front]          
5.  return true;       
6.  }

74.        Which of the following are instances of trees
            1.         The genealogy of family
            2.         A river with it tributaries and sub tributaries
            3.         The sorting of mail according to zip code and the punched cards
            4.         The family is represented by means of graph
            A)         1, 2, 4 only                    B)         2, 3, 4 only                    C)         1, 2, 3 only                    D)         All of the above

75.        Match the following
                        SET A
            a.         Input                 b.         output               c.         Definiteness
            d.         Effectiveness
                        SET B
            1.         Zero or more quantities are externally supplied
2.            At least one quantity is produces
            3.         Each instruction is clear and unambiguous.
 4.           Algorithm should terminates after finite no of times
            5.         Must be feasible

            A)         a- 1, b – 2, c – 3, d - 4, e – 5                  B)         a- 2, b – 1, c – 3, d - 4, e – 5
            C)         a- 1, b – 2, c – 4, d - 3, e – 5                  D)         a- 2, b – 1, c – 4, d - 3, e - 5

76.        Choose the valid algorithm for creation for creation of hash function transform.
            A)         int transform ( char * key )
                        Int number = 0
                        Number + = * key ++ ;
            B)         int transform ( char * key )
                        Int number = 0
                        Number + = *&key ++ ;
C)           int number = 0;
                        Int number = 0
                        Number + = * *key ++ ;
D)           int transform ( char * key )
                        Int number = 0
                        *key ++ = number 

77.        Match the following
                        SET A
            a.         simple graph      b.         self graph                      c.         simple digraphs             d.         Asymmetric digraphs
                        SET B
            1.         An edge having the same vertex as both its end vertices.
            2.         Graph that has neither self – loops nor parallel edges.
            3.         A digraph that has no self – loop or parallel edges
            4.         Digraphs in which for every edge (a,b) there is also an edge (b,a)
            5.         digraphs that have at most one directed edge between a pair of vertices.

78.        Match the following.
a.           Queue                                                                                1.         Computes remainder
b.           Hashing                                                                             2.         Describes hash table creation.
c.            Heap                                                                                 3.         An ordered list
d.           Built in module operator                                          4.         Used to provide faster searching
5.         A complete blinary tree
A)           a – 3, b -4, c -5, d – 1                                         B) a – 3, b -2, c -4, d – 1                                                  
C)           a – 3, b -4, c -2, d – 1                                         D) a – 1, b -2, c -3, d – 5

79         Select true statements regarding trees
            i           There is one and only one path between every pair of vertices in a tree.
            ii           A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges.
            iii          Any connected graph with n vertices and n- 1 edges is a tree.
            iv          A graph is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected.
v.             A graph G with n vertices n-1 edges and no circuit is connected.

A)           i, ii, v                 B)         i, ii, iv, v             C)         i, ii, iii, v                        D)         i, ii, iii, iv, v

80.        Select true statements
            i.          A graph that can not be drawn on a without a crossover between its edges is called non- planer
            ii           Thee complete graph of five vertices is non – planar
            iii          A connected planer graph with n vertices and e edges has e-n+2 regions.
            iv          The vertices of every planar if there exists some geometric representation of G.
A)           i, ii, iv    B)         i, ii, iv, v             C)         i, ii, iii, iv                        D)         i, ii, iii, v

81.        If the size of p is n and the sizes of the k sub problems are n1, n2,…… ,nk , respectively, then the
Computing time of DANDC is described by the recurrence relation is ______.
            A)         T(n) = g(n)                     n small                          B)         T(n) = g(n)                                 n small
                                    2T(n/2)  otherwise                                                          2T(n / 2) + f(n)    otherwise

            C)         T(n) = g(n)                                 n small              D)         T(n) = g(n)                                 n small 
                                    T(n / 2) + f(n)     otherwise                                              2T(n / 2) + f(n)    otherwise

82.        Which of the following is true?
            1.         Every graph is its own sub graph
            2.         A sub graph of need not be a sub graph of g(where gis a sub graph of G)
            3.         A single vertex in a graph G is a sub – Graph of G
            4.         A single edge in G together with its end vertices is a sub graph of G

            A)         2, 3 and 4          B)         1, 2, and 3                     C)         1, 3, and 4                     D)         All of the above

83.        Which of the following problem can be solved using ordering paradigm of greedy method?
            1.         Optimistic storage on tapes                    2.         Knapsack problem
            3.         Job sequencing with deadlines    4.         Optimal merge pattern
            5.         Single source shortlist paths
            A)         1, 2 and 3                      B)         2, 3 and 4                      C)         1, 4 and 5                      D)         3, 4 and 5

84.        Choose the correct code to insert an element into a circular queue.           
            A)         If (rear = n – 1) than rear: = 0                  B)         If (rear = n ) them rear : = 1
                        Else rear = rear + 1                                            Else rear = rear + 1       
            C)         If (rear = n + 1) them rear: = 0     D)         If (rear = n ) them rear  = 1
                        Else rear = rear + 1                                            Else rear = rear - 1        

85.        The asymptotic complex of the given algorithm is
                        Algorithm Sum (a,n)
                        S: 0.0;
                        For I : = 1 to n do
                        S: = s + a [I];
                        return s;

            A)         q(1)                   B)         q(n)                   C)         q(n2 )                 D)         q(2n+3)

86.        Which of the following is false for trees?
            1.         A graph G with n vertices, n-1 edges with circuit is a tree
            2.         it is a connected graph
            3.         There should be one and only one path between every pair of vertices of the graph

            A)         2 and 3             B)         only 2   C)         only 1   D)         All of the above

87.     Using the greedy algorithm for sequencing unit time jobs with deadlines and profits, such that n = 5, (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) = 20, 15, 10, 5, 1) and (d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) = (2, 2, 1, 3, 3). The optimal solution is

            A)         J= {1, 2, 3} with profit of 45                                  B)         J= {1, 2, 4} with profit of 40
            C)         J= {1, 2, 3, 4} with profit of 30                  D)         J= {3, 4, 5} with profit of 16         

88.     Using the Knapsack algorithm where number of object is 3, capacity of Knapsack is 20. Profits, such that  (P1, P2, P3) = (25,24,15) and weights(w1, w2, w3) = (18,15,10).Using Greedy method, the optimal solution is

          A)           (1/2, 1/3, ¼)      B)         (1, 2/15, 0)                    C)         (0, 2/3, 1)                      D)         (0, 1, ½)

89.     The average number of element comparison for successful search using divide and conquer method is,

          A.) ( 1+ n)                                    B)         1 + I/n   C)         E/(n+1) D) I + E/n

90.     Which of the following are true for trees?
          1)            There is one and only one path between every pair of vertices in a tree.’
          2)            A tree with n vertices has n edges.
          3)            A graph is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected.
          A.           1 and 2 B)         2 and 3 C)         1 and 3 d)         1,2 ,and 3

91.     Given the following algorithm, determine the step count.
          Algorithm Sum ( a, n)
                        S = 0.0;
                        For I : = 1 to n do
                        S : = S + a[i];
          Return S;

          A).n+1                             B).2n + 1                       C)n + 3             D)2n + 3


  1. b
  2. d
  3. d
  4. c
  5. a
  6. a
  7. a
  8. d
  9. a
  10. c
  11. d
  12. a
  13. b
  14. a
  15. b
  16. a
  17. b
  18. b
  19. a
  20. a
  21. d
  22. b
  23. b
  24. c
  25. c
  26. d
  27. d
  28. c
  29. b
  30. a
  31. c
  32. b
  33. c
  34. d
  35. c
  36. b
  37. d
  38. a
  39. b
  40. a
  41. c
  42. a
  43. c
  44. b
  45. d
  46. d
  47. a
  48. c
  49. c
  50. b
  51. a
  52. c
  53. c
  54. b
  55. c
  56. c
  57. a
  58. b
  59. d
  60. b
  61. b
  62. d
  63. a
  64. b
  65. a
  66. a
  67. b
  68. d
  69. c
  70. d
  71. a
  72. a
  73. d
  74. d
  75. a
  76. a
  77. c
  78. a
  79. d
  80. d
  81. b
  82. c
  83. c
  84. a
  85. b
  86. c
  87. a
  88. b
  89. b
  90. c
  91. d


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