Tuesday 31 July 2012

MBA-1,Business Communication

MBA-1,Business Communication

Q.1       Definition “The verbal interchange of thoughts or ideas” is given by
            A. Allen Louis               B. Anderson                 C. Hoben                      D. Gilson or Odirone
Q.2       Communication may best be described as a ________
            A. Process                    B. Exchange of facts                 C. Verbal interchange    D. Non – verbal
Q.3       Emotions with in sender or receiver such as hostility, fear refers to –
            A. Physical noise           B. Physiological noise                C. Psycological noise             D. Context noise
Q.4       Multiple meanings for words leads to barrier of ______
            A. Channel                   B. Environment             C. Transmission            D. Semantic distortion
Q.5       The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is called –
            A. Kinesics                   B. Proxemics                            C. Physical appearance             D. none
Q.6       Interactivity in oral communication is ________
            A. High            B. Low C. Neuter         D. None of these
Q.7       The game of  “ Dumb Cherades” is an example of _______ type of communication
            A. Non verbal               B. Verbal          C. Oral             D. Written
Q.8       A speaker making a presentation to a large audience, the communication is __ & __ in nature.
            A. Two – way, impersonal                     B. Two – way, not face to face 
            C. Personal, face to face                       D. None
Q.9       Communication through words or language is called
            A. oral B. Written         C. Verbal          D. Non – verbal
Q.10     Communication for giving job instructions, explaining company rules & policies is called –
            A. Formal         B. Upward        C. Downward               D. Horizontal
Q.11     ”Communication networks are regular patterns of person to person relationship through which                                                                                                                                                  information flows in an organization” is quoted by –
            A. Adler           B. Anderson     C. Allen Louis               D. Fotheringham
Q.12     ____ is a highly complex process by which spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind.
            A. Reading       B. Writing         C. Listening                  D. Speaking
Q.13     The most basic type of listening whereby the difference between the sounds is identified is called
            A. Evaluative                B. Appreciative C. Discriminative           D. Dialogic
Q.14     “ Casual words that are not accepted & recognized in a standard English dictionary” are referred
            A. Metaphor                 B. jargon                       C. Slang                        D. None of these
Q.15     Saying “ our products are synonymous with quality & affordability” is an example of _____
            A. Over confidence       B. Me attitude               C. Flattery                    D. Exaggeration
Q.16     ‘ Fog index ‘ is developed by –
            A. Newman & summer B. Robert gunning         C. Webster       D. None of these
Q.17     In general visual should be prepared to match the ___
            A. Technology              B. Special effects          C. Audience                  D. Technical pictures
Q.18     ”Reading is thinking under the stimulus of the printed page”. This definition is given by –
            A. Webster(1982:30)                 B. Francoise Grellet(1991:3)       C. Webster(1982:9)       D. None
Q.19     The intranet is a part of _____  communication network.
            A. Formal                     B. Informal                   C. Grapevine                 D. Direct
Q.20     Symbolic messages using punctuation marks known as _
            A. Ematication  B. Abbreviation C. Emoticons                D. Acronyms
Q.21     ____ and ___ channels are used to communicate with share holders.
            A. Direct & indirect      B. Formal & informal        C. Verbal & non- verbal        D. Oral & written
Q.22     The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is called
            A. Gestures                  B. Kinesics                   C. Proximics                 D. Physical context
Q.23     SQ3R technique is developed by –
            A. Francoise Grellet      B. Webster                   C. Adriondoff                D. Robinson
Q.24     ____ enables you to connect and relate the content with the previous learning of the subject.
            A. Review                    B. Reading                    C. Recall                      D. Survey
Q.25     A person who coordinate GDs remain neutral during the GD is called –
            A. Speaker                   B. Moderator                C. Organizer                 D. Observer
Q.26     The time that is normally allotted to a group for discussing the topic is ______
            A. 20-25 minutes           B. 40-45 minutes           C. 15-20 minutes           D. 30-35 minutes
Q.27     The resume that consists in listing your education and experience in reverse order is called __
            A. Logical                     B. Chronological            C. Functional                 D. Unfunctional
Q.28     A letter written to a prospective employer, in response to an advertisement is called _____
            A. Unsolicited   B. Solicited                   C. Resume                    D. Apology letter
Q.29     Citations that are placed numerically at the bottom of the page in the body of the report is called
            A. References              B. Bibliography C. Footnotes                 D. Endnotes
Q.30     An explanation of technical terms as Jargon used in the body of the report is –
            A. Index                       B. Appendix                  C. Glossary                   D. References
Q.31     When advertising is aimed at special public such as the media, suppliers and dealers to correct      communication problems with them is ___
            A. Corporate identity     B. Institutional   C. Public relations         D. Advocacy advertising
Q.32     When a letter is written by a buyer or a customer to a seller requesting some type of action or                  advertisement is called _______
            A. Routine requests       B. Routine claims          C. Goodwill letters         D. Other routine letters
Q. 33    Reading is nothing but a ________ process.
            A. Coding                     B. Encoding                  C. Decoding                  D. Passive
Q.34     When you need to continue learning & studying to develop your own thinking & skills. This is called
            A. Professional reading  B. External       C. Internal                    D. Action
Q.35     looking quickly over a text / book in order to get a general or superficial idea of the content is                    called .
            A. Skimming                 B. Scanning                  C. Intensive                  D. Extensive
Q.36     “A special meeting that is called to discuss & make arrangements for a specific event” is called   
            A. Problem solving        B. program meeting       C. Task oriented            D. information sharing
Q.37     The questions that are addressed to entire group and which mat be answered by anyone in the group are called –
            A. director question       B. indirect                     C. relay                        D. Overhead
Q.38     When the purpose is mentioned right at the outset and all the details are presented right away in a memo. This is called –
            A. Deductive organization                                  B. Indirect organizational plan
            C. Persuasive memo                                          D. none of these
Q.39     A ____ is a type of legal document.
            A. Circular                    B. Notice                      C. memo                       D. Report
Q.40     A notice which is sent to individual employees is called –
            A. legal notice   B. memo                       C. Show cause notice                D. All of these
Q.41 Listening is a highly complex process by which spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind. This definition is given by  -
            A. Stephen Covey         B. Lynd Stun                 C. Adrion doff               D. None
Q.42 Another name of dialogic listening is –
            A. Critical listening        B. Discrimination           C. Relational                 D. Empathetic
Q.43 Nouns that can not be visualized are called –
            A. Concrete                  B. proper                      C. Abstract                   D. Collective
Q.44 The tone of business writing should be –
            A. Discriminatory          B. Offensive                 C. Non – discriminatory             D. All of these
Q.45 the most commonly used visual aids to illustrate trends, growth in sales & profits are
            A. Diagrams                 B. Photographs C. Pie charts & graphs  D. All of these
Q.46 A reader can understand a text only when he / she actively uses his / her _____ faculties.
            A. reading                     B. Mental                     C. understanding                       D. None
Q.47 A _______ is an opening statement in a bad news letter.
            A. Main idea                 B. Buffer                      C. Negative statement   D. None
Q.48____ is a listing of all sources of information.
            A. Index                       B. Appendix                  C. Bibliography             D. glossary
Q.49 Work experience should be listed in ________ order in a resume.
            A. Chronological           B. Reverse chronological           C. Logical                     D. Any of these
Q.50 GD’s that  essentially move towards a solution is called ______
            A. Political based          B. Social topic based                 C. Case – based            D. All of these
Q.51 ______ should be tailored to the needs of different employers.
            A. Job letter                  B. Covering letter                      C. Resume                    D. Application letters
Q.52 Business reports should use _______ nouns rather than _______ nouns as the subject of sentences.
            A. Abstract, concrete    B. Collective, concrete   C. Concrete, abstract     D. Concrete, collective
Q.53 ____ are one –time exceptional reports that are prepared when a unique event occurs.
            A. periodic report          B. Program report         C. Situational report                   D. None
Q.54 Length should be approximately ______ words in a press release.
            A. 100                          B. 400                          C. 300                          D. 200
Q.55 USP stands for –
            A. Unique selling proposition                  B. Unite sale promotion             C. Unique selling product
Q.56 When an article is condensed to one fourth its size without losing the essence or meaning is called-
            A. Summary                 B. Précis                      C. Memo                      D. Circular
Q.57 ____ is a permanent written record of the proceedings.
            A. report                       B. Notice                      C. Circular                    D. minutes
Q.58 Hearing the points of views of all the members and then arriving at a decision in a meeting is called A. Direct question             B. Relay question          C. Convergence            D. none
Q.59 ____ refers to technical terms or specialized vocabulary .
            A. Jargon                      B. Slang                        C. Metaphor                 D. Cliches
Q.60 _________ refers to the relationship between the sender and the receiver.
            A. Social context           B. Physical context        C. Cultural context        D. None
Q.61     Write true or false
            A. Communication is a dynamic process.
            B. Jargon refers to words with multiple meanings.
            C. What you say is more important than how you say it.
            D. Communication is mostly through words.
Q.62     Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                                    SET A                                                              SET B
            A. Individual barrier                                                       1. Organizational barrier
            B. Suppressing the views of junior employees      2. Semantic barrier
            C. Message with multiple meaning                                  3. Psychological noise
Q.63     Fill in the blanks
            1. Meetings are efficiently conducted when they are _____ & ______
            2. After the meeting follow up must be done by the _____ & the _____
            A. Secretary, organized, focus, members                        B. chairperson, members, organized, focused
            C. focused, members, chairperson, organized      D. organized, chairperson, focused, members
Q.64 Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                        SET A                                                              SET B
            A. Passive voice                                               1. main message
            B. Direct organizational                                     2. reasons first
            C. Persuasive memo                                          3. regular reports
            D. Indirect organizational                                   4. Informational memo
            E. Subject line                                       5. Call fun action
Q.65 Pick out point for the formatting of body of the report.
            1. recommendation                    2. appendix                   3. Research methodology
            4. Title page                              5. Content page
            A. 1,2,3             B. 1,2,4,5                      C. 3,4,5             D. 1,4,5
Q.66 Repetitive or unnecessary words to express the same meaning is _______ and _______ are phrases that are over used.
            A. Jargon, slang            B. Cliches,  metaphor                C. Slang, redundancies                           D. Redundancies, Cliches
Q.67 Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                        SET A                                                              SET B
            A. Nominal group technique                               1. mini meetings
            B. Convergence                                                2. Outline of meeting
            C. Minutes                                                        3. Unbiased
            D. Meeting etiquette                                          4. Permanent record
            E. Opening the meeting                          5. Different view points
Q.68 Write true or false in the space given
            A. listening skills are equally important in all types of industries.                            (        )
            B. Customers should be made to apologize for making wrong complaints.             (        )
            C. The type of listening during a job interview is mostly evaluative listening.          (        )
Q.69 Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                        SET A                                                              SET B
            A. “ WIFM “ Principle                                       1. Acronym
            B. “P’s and Q’s”                                               2. Reader benefits
            C. Shouting                                                       3. Bullet points and white space
            D. Readability                                                   4. All capital letters
            E. FYI                                                              5.Etiquette
Q.70 Fill in the blanks –
            1. A good listener tries to understand the meaning behind ____ and _______ messages.
            2. ______ are known to be physiologically quicker than _________
            A. verbal, non verbal, speaker, listener                B. Non verbal, verbal, listener, speaker
            C. speaker, verbal, non verbal, listener
Q.71 Write true or false
            A. The intranet is a part of an informal communication network.                          (        )
            B. The intranet can be customized to meet the needs of smaller companies.          (        )
            C. the intranet encourages grapevine.                                                                 (        )
            D. The intranet can make meetings more focused.                                                          (        )
Q.72 Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                        SET A                                                              SET B
            A. Adjustment                                       1. Rejecting a business proposal
            B. Order letter                                      2. Persuasive message
            C. Bad news letter                                3. Routine letters
            D. AIDA format                                   4. Supplier                    
            E. Credit and collection letters    5. Replacement of defective product
Q.73 Write true or false
            A. A press release is a paid form of communication.                                                       (        )

            B. Maintaining good media relations is important for getting a press release accepted.       (        )
            C. the purpose of a press release is to sell a company’s products.                                     (        )
Q.74 Write true or false
            A. A business report is a subjective presentation of information.                                       (        )
            B. There is no single format for a business report.                                                                       (        )
            C. The purpose of a proposal is to inform.                                                                                   (        )
            D. A compliance report is a one- time report.                                                                              (        )
Q.75 Match the following (Draw lines in between)
                        SET A                                                              SET B
            A. Memo format                                   1. Bibliography
            B. Preliminary part                                2. Technical specifications
            C. Problem definition                             3. informal                   
            D. Appendix                                         4. body of report
            E. Documentation                                  5. Executive summary

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