Sunday, 29 July 2012


BBA102 BB002


1)     _________ is the study and application of knowledge about how people as individual and as a groups act within the organization.
 (a) Organization                                         (b) Competition  
(c) Business Strategy                                   (d) Organization Behavior            

2) Tick out the correct goal of Understanding the Organization Behaviour.
 (a) To describe systematically how people behave under a variety of conditions.
 (b) To predict future employee behavior.
  © Both are correct
(d) None

3)     The law of individual difference (by nature of people) comes originally fromà
   a) Philosophy                    b) Sociology         c) Psychology        d) All

4)     _________ Approach is concerned with the growth and development towards higher level of competency, creativity and fulfillment.
 a) Contingency Approach                  b) A result oriented approach
 c) A human resource approach          d) none

5)     __________ is known as the “Father of  Scientific Management”
 a) F.M Taylor          b) Walter             c) Kingsway           d) None

6)     ___________ is an assumption based upon partial information and it shows how the independent variables and the dependent variable are related.
 a)  Moderate Variable                        b) Case Study
 c) Survey                                            d) Hypothesis

7)     Theory which is used to develop the potential in employees and help them release that potential towards the common objectives isà
 a) Paradigm              b) Theory X and Y                          c) Both           d) None

8)     In ___________  model the employee orientation is obedience to a boss not  respect for a manager and the managerial orientation is formal and official  authority.
 a) Custodial Model                    b) Collegial Model
 c)  Autocratic Model                 d) Supported Model

9)     __________ model believes in partnership, teamwork, self discipline, self actualization  and moderate enthusiasm.
 a) Custodial Model                                 b) Collegial Model
 c)  Autocratic Model                               d) Supportive model

10)  _________ is a way of dividing the large and complex organization into smaller, flexible administrative units.
 a) Departmentation          b) Centralization           c) Decentralization     d) None

11)  A __________ organization combines a profit structure with the functional one.
 a) Combined Base         b) Project Organization       c) Matrix Organization  d) None

12)  In ________ type of charts, the managing director’s position is in the middle of the series of concentric circle.
  a) Vertical chart         b) Horizontal Chart          c) Circular chart         d) None

13)  Factor which influence centralization isà
 a) Organization Size                             b) Geographical Dispersion    
 c) Technical complexity of task           d) All

14)  _________ represents the nature of acceptable human conduct affecting morality.
 a) Ritual         b) Stories             c) Beliefs              d) Taboos

15)  __________ is a process of influencing others towards the accomplishment of goals.
  a)  Control              b) Directing           c) Leadership                  d) None

16)  Style of leadership in which leader makes most decisions without consulting with group members.
   a) Participating Style                          b) Democratic Style
   c) Autocratic Style                              d) None

17)  __________ theory assumes that leaders are born with certain supernatural power and abilities.
 a) Behaviour theory                  b) Trait Theory
 c) Situational theory                 d) All

18)  The Desire for achievement and competence and the desire for status are recognition come under _________ need of Maslow’s Theory.
  a) Physiological Needs                    b) Safety Needs
  c) Esteem Needs                              d)  

  19) ________ theory of expectancy based upon a rational economic view of people.
 a) Vrooms theory                                b) Maslow’s theory
 c) Herzberg’s Theory                         d) None

20)Tick the correct Non – financial incentive.
 a) Insurance               b) Job security                 c) Medical benefits        d) None

21)  Leaderà
 a) Inspire Employee                                    b) Create Confidence
 c) Secure Cooperation                                d) All

22)  Permissive Style has this benefità
a)     encourage suggestions and creativity
b)    rigid Group
c)     Formal and less communication
d)    None of the above

23)  Organization as a structure does not have ____________ feature.
   a) Two or more people                    b) Common Goal
   c) Rules and Regulations                d) Personal objectives

24)  Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory is based on à
  a) Human needs                                       b) The structure of management
  c) Management Expectations                  d) None

25)  Tick the correct through which you can develop a positive self- concept.
a) Make our own decision             b) View problems as a challenge
c) Be willing to change                  d) All the above
26)  The trait theory is based on the assumption on thatà
a)     Trait can be quantifiable and hence measurable.
b)    Decision can be made very rapidly.
c)     It may be difficult to adopt to change.
d)    None of the above.

27)  Carl Jung’s theory rotates around the main aspectsà
a)     Extroverts Aspects
b)    Introvert Aspects
c)     Both are correct
d)    None

28)  Self-Concept reflectsà
a)     An individual’s way of organizing his goals.
b)    Individual’s expectations from the organization.
c)     Both are correct.
d)    None of these.

29)  The behavioral theory classify leadershipà
a)     What leaders do?
b)     The structure of management.
c)     Performance of group.
d)    None of these.

30)  Permissive Style has __________ benefit.
a)     Encourage suggestions and creativity.              b) Rigid group
c)   Formal and less communication                        d) None
31)  Sheldon’s Physiognomy theory depicts thatà
a)     Traits may be too abstract.
b)    There is a link between physiological traits and characteristics of an individual with his behavior.
c)     Traits may be quantifiable.
d)    None of these.
32)  “__________ is an interpersonal process that arises from disagreement over the goals to attain or the method to be used to accomplish those goals.
a) Coordination                     b) Motivation     c) Conflict               d) None

33)  Tick the wrong personality primary trait.
a)     Reserved    à Outgoing
b)    Serious      à Happy –go-lucky
c)     Relaxed     à Controlled
d)    None

34)  Tick out the correct source of conflict.
a)  Contrasting Perception                    b) Self- Reflexive ness.
c) Intelligence                                       d) None

35)  Manager with __________ can threaten and employee’s job security and make positive changes in someone’s work schedule or administer physical force.
a) Legitimate Power                        b) Export Power
c) Reward Power                            d) Coercive Power.

36)  The ___________ model depends on leadership instead of power or money.
a) Custodial Model                              b) Autocratic Model
c) Supportive Model                           d) None
37)  _________ is the systematic and consistent reservation of authority at central points within the organization.
      a) Centralization                  b) Decentralization           c) Both         d) None

38)  ___________ charts moves from left to right.
  a) Vertical charts          b) Circular Charts          c) Horizontal Charts      d) None

39)  Tick the correct optionà
“Evidence of culture includesà
     a) Language               b) Symbols           c) Rituals                d) All

40)  Two factor theory is propounded byà
 a)  Herzberg               b) Maslow             c) Walter             d) None


1)     ___________ involve creating an artificial setting which is similar to real life situations  and the researcher can observe the effect of change in some variable in the study
 a)  Field Experiment    b) Case Study      c) Hypothesis        d) Laboratory experiment

2)     “Departmentation” includesà
  a) Departmentation by function.                b) Departmentation by product
  c) Departmentation by territory                d)  None

3)     _________ are repetitive sequence of action that express and reinforce the key value of the organization, what goals are more important, which people are important and which are expandable.
a) Taboos              b) Value              c) Beliefs              d) Rituals

4)     Which one of the following is not related to Low-Self Esteem?
 a) Pessimistic          b) Optimistic             c) Introverted           d) Close-Minded

5)     Tick the correct personality Trait.
a) They all are unique.          b) These traits remain stable over time.
c) Both are correct                d) None

6)     “ OHIO STATE STUDIES” deals with the following à
a)     Leader is friendly and approachable.
b)    Listen to the problems and allows employees to offer suggestions.
c)     Leader emphasizes goals, organizes work and productions process.
d)    All are correct.

7)     _________ Theory deals with the Valence, expectancy and Instrumentality.
a)     Maslow’s Theory                  b) Vroom’s theory
c)    Herzburg’s Theory                 d) none

8) Which of the following is related to High-Self –esteem?
a) Introvert          b) Outgoing                c) Pessimistic         d) All

9)___________ feels that fundamental force motivating the human organism is self actualization.
a)  Roger’s              b) Maslow               c) Vroom’s          d) None

10) Self - Reflexive ness is an example ofà
a) Similarities of individuals                         b) Difference among Individuals
c) Both are correct                                         d) Both are wrong


1)     The individualized organization deals with à
A) Tribalistic       B) Ego- Centric               C) Socio- Centric           D) Existential

Tick the correct optionà
a) ‘A’ is correct                     b) ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct
c) All are correct                    d) None

2)     According to the ‘Hygiene factor’ which will not come under motivators.
A) Responsibility                              B) Personal Life
C) Achievement                                D) Status

Tick the correct answerà
a) ‘A’ and ‘C’ are correct.                   b) ‘B’ and ‘D’ are correct.
c) All are correct                                 d) All are wrong.

3)     “MICHIGAN STUDIES” deals withà
A)    Employees are mere tool in the production process.
B)    Encourage people and involves them in goal setting.
C)    Leader emphasizes on organizing work and production process.

Tick the correct answerà
 a) ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct.                          b) Only ‘A’ is correct
c)  ‘B’ is correct                                           d) None

4)     Assertive Behaviour means the process of expressing feelings, asking for legitimate change and giving and receiving honest feedback.

Tick the correct answer
a) It includes teaching people to develop effective way to deal with the problem.
b) Assertive people are direct, honest and expressive.
c) Both are correct.                                  
d) Both are wrong.

5)     All leaders deal with power and politics. Power is the ability to influence other people and event. It is earned by the leaders on the basis of their personality.

A)      It is the ability of leader to develop followers.
B)      It is an intentional behavior that is designed to enhance or protect a personal influence and self interest.

Tick the correct answerà

a) Both are wrong                     b) ‘A’ is correct
c)’B’ is correct                          d) Both are correct.

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