Sunday, 29 July 2012

BT0081, Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Note : Answers are in Bold.

  1. Pointer are ____ construct
(A) Low – level           (B) High level                          (C) Mid – Level           (D) Normal level
  1. Structured programming designing using a _____ approach.
(A) Top – down           (B) Bottom up                          (C) Down – up             (D) None of these
  1. Event occurs during the execution of a program this is called an 
(A) N_ version programming                                       (B) Recovery
(C) Exception                                                              (D) None of these
  1. Reliability in a software system can be achieved using in strategies
(A) Fault avoidance     (B) Fault to learns                    (C) Fault detection       (D) All of these           
  1. Altitudes are basically _____ data to
(A) Collection              (B) Non summarized               (C) Summarized          (D) All of these
  1. _________ Show the direction of data flow their name describes the data flowing along that path.
(A) Arrow                   (B) Line                                   (C) Rectangles             (D) Circles
  1. A good ______ is key effective engineering
(A) Software design    (B) Software avidity                (C) Software assurance (D) None
  1. Software design can be stated with a single word
(A) Quality                  (B) Measurement                     (C) Production             (D) None
  1. Entity relation diagram may be used to show how some entities o in the system are composed of other entities As model of ____
(A) Process model                                                       (B) Classification model         
(C) Compositional model                                            (D) Data processing model
  1. The output of the requirements analysis process is a set of ______ that present abstract description of the system to be developed.
(A) System models      (B) System design                    (C) System component            (D) None of these
  1. The importance of software design can be stated with a single word ____
(A) Quantity                (B) Cost                                   (C) Quality                  (D) All of these
  1. The primary objective of ______ is to develop a modular program structure and represent the control relation ships between modules.
(A) Architectural design                                               (B) System design       (C) Both (a) & (b)        (D) None of these
  1. A _______________ Strategy relies on decomposing the system into a set of interacting functions with a centralized shared by these functions.
(A) Function design     (B) Oriented design                  (C) Function – oriented design           (D) None
  1. A __________ Model concentrates on the flow of the data and the functional transformations on that data. 
(A) Entity – Relation    (B) Data flow                          (C) Functional              (D) Object
  1. The process of changing a system after it has been delivered & is in use is.
(A) Software re – engineering                                      (B) Software Engg.     
(C) Software maintenance                                          (D) Software refactoring         
  1. Software refactoring is the process of factoring the ____
(A) Design                   (B) Design module                  (C) Module                  (D) None of these
  1. Which is not software maintenance
(A) Corrective maintenance                                         (B) Adoptive maintance
(C) Perfective maintenance                                          (D) Storage maintence
  1. Software ___________ is simply how easily a computer program can be tested.
(A) Operability            (B) Controllability                    (C) Testability             (D) None of these
  1. Equivalence partitioning divides the input domain into ____ that is likely to exercise specific software functions.
(A) Orthogonal array   (B) Two segmed                      (C) Classes of data     (D) Set of test cases
  1. In glass box testing focus on the
(A) Functional requirements                                        (B) Basic path testing
(C) Program control structure                                  (D) System behavior 
  1. Black box testing also called :-
(A) Behavioral testing                                                                                    (B) Glass box testing
(C) Functional testing                                                   (D) None of these
  1. Are we building the right product this term is used for _____
(A) Validation             (B) Verification                       (C) SQAP                     (D) Test plan
  1. In which testing method the testing process continues recursively until the bottom level components are implements
(A) Validation testing   (B) Top down testing              (C) Bottom up testing   (D) Stress testing
  1. ________ May be conducted manually, by re executing a subset of all test cases or using automated capture / payback tools.
(A) Unit – testing         (B) Integration testing              (C) Regression testing            (D) System testing
  1. ___________ Focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design – th software component or module.
(A) Unit testing           (B) Thread testing                    (C) System testing        (D) None of these
  1. __________ Integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program structure.
(A) Top – Down          (B) Bottom – up                      (C) Unit testing            (D) None of these
  1. __________ Is concerned with taking exiting legacy system and implementing them to make it more maintainable. 
(A) Software re – engineering                                    (B) Software engg.      
(C) Software factoring                                                 (D) None of these
  1. What is mean of “CM”
(A) Configuration master                                             (B) Control management
(C) Configuration management                                 (D) Control master
  1. _________ Inserting play full bugs into programs, creating viruses cringing quick & dirty code are example of
(A) Viruses                  (B) Hacking                            (C) S/W engg.              (D) None of these
  1. Spiral model consist of around are task regions or phases
(A) 5                            (B) 6                                        (C) 7                            (D) 4
  1. In _________ Model assumer the requirement of a system which can be frozen before the design begins
(A) RAD                      (B) Iterative                             (C) Water fall             (D) Spiral
  1. RAD assumer the use of _____ generation techniques :-
(A) Fourth                   (B) Fifth                                   (C) First                       (D) Last
  1. A _____ is an assemblage of components that interact in some manner among themselves and possibly, with the world outside the system boundary.
(A) Engineering           (B) system                               (C) software                 (D) none of these 

  1. software engineering is nothing but the establishment and use of software engineering principles in order to obtain economical software that is reliable and work efficiently on real machines, this is by
(A) Beaver                  (B) Boehm                               (C) blasé                      (D) Charles   

  1. Which phase accessed for quality before coding begins.
(A) Analyses                (B) testing                                (C) coding                    (D) design  

  1. Software development that begin at the system level and progresses thorough:-
(A) Design, coding, testing, analyses and support        (B) analyses, coding, design, testing and support 
(C) Analyses, design, coding, testing and support     (D) none of these

  1. In which model assumes the requirement of a system which can be frozen before the design begins.
(A) Water fall model (B) spiral model                       (C) iterative model       (D) RAD model

  1. The water fall model stipulates that the requirement be completely specified before the rest or the development can proceed.
(A) True                      (B) false                                   (C) either A or B          (D) None of these

  1. when the incremental model is used, the first increment is a _____________
(A) Core product        (B) base product                      (C) initial product        (D) None of these

  1. task required to define resources, timelines and other project related information in :-
(A) Risk analysis         (B) engineering                        (C) customer evaluation           (D) planning

  1. Which is the aspects of program fault 
(A) Tolerance, namely, Failure, detection                    (B) Damage assessment, fault recovery
(C) Both (a) & (b)                                                       (D) None of these
  1. __________ Data types and objects are effective _____ of reusable components
(A) Encapsulation, Ahstract                                         (B) Abstract, encapsulation
(C) Eith (A) &  (B)                                                       (D) None of these       
  1. ___________ Can be applied to many different classes of application as well as these general models, architecture models.
(1) Client – sever         (2) Domain – Specific architecture (3) Event – base model
(A) 1, 2                        (B) 2, 3                                    (C) Only 2                   (D) None
  1. How many types of event driven control models :-
(1) Broad cast              (2) Intercept driven                  (3) Data – flow               
(A) 1, 2                        (B) 2, 3                                    (C) 1, 3                        (D) None
  1. State true / false for controlled change :-
(A) Versions of components must be checked out explicitly you changes
(B) The identifier of the engineer making the change is recorded
(1) TT                          (2) TF                                      (3) FT                          (4) FF
  1. Match the following :-
Ages of the program
As a program is maintained its structure is degraded
Staff stability
Maintenance cost are reduced if system developers are responsible 
(A) 1 – M, 2 – N          (B) 1 – N, 2 – M                      (C) 1 – M, 2 – N          (D) 1 – N, 2 –N
  1. A software development organization to expanded between _____ and ______ total project efforts on testing.
(1) 20                           (2) 30                                       (3) 40                           (4) 50
(A) 1, 2                        (B) 2, 3                                    (C) 3, 4                        (D) 2, 4
  1. Testing of independents versions of software called :-
(1) Comparison testing                                                 (2) Parallel testing       
(3) Unit testing                                                             (4) Back – to – back testing
(A) 1, 3                        (B) 1, 4                                    (C) 2, 4                        (D) 2, 3
  1. Pareto principal implies that ________ Percent of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be traceable to _______________ Percent of all program components. 
(1) 20                           (2) 40                                       (3) 60                           (4) 80
(A) 1, 3                        (B) 4, 1                                    (C) 2, 3                        (D) 1, 2
  1. The checklist the follows provides a _ set of characteristics that leads to testable software. 
(1) Simplicity               (2) Probability                          (3) Observables           (4) Compos ability
(A) 1, 3                        (B) 2, 3                                    (C) 1 – 3 – 4                (D) 2, 4
  1. Software validation is achieved through a series of _____ that demonstrates conformity with requirements 
(1) Black – box testing (2) Top down testing                (3) Validation criteria   (4) White box testing
(A) 1 – 3                      (B) 1                                        (C) 2 – 4                      (D) 2 – 3
  1. White box testing also called
(1) Glass box testing    (2) Structural testing                 (3) Functional testing   (4) Stress testing
(A) 1, 2                        (B) 2, 3                                    (C) 1, 3                        (D) 2, 4
  1. Basic users requirements must be communicated between the _____ and the _____
(1) Software engineer  (2) Customer                            (3) Company               (4) Market
(A) 1 – 3                      (B) 2 – 1                                  (C) 1 – 4                      (D) 2 – 4
  1. State true / false for top – down integration
(1) It beginning with the main control module                                                
(2) It is random approach to construction of program structure
(A) TT                         (B) TF                                     (C) FT                          (D) FF
  1. In data structuring case a program with data architecture will be ____ to adept and enhance  
(A) Weak difficult       (B) Strong difficult                  (C) Strong easy            (D) Weak easy
  1. State true – false for system documentation
(1) A documents describing over all system arch.       
(2) For each component a non specification and design description
(A) TT                         (B) TF                                     (C) FT                          (D) FF
  1. software engineering is system approach to the __________, ______, ___________ and __________ of software
(i) Development           (ii) high quality                        (iii) operation               (iv) maintenance          (v) retirement
(A) i, ii, iii, iv               (B) i, ii, iv, v                            (C) i, iii, iv, v               (D) none of these
  1. spiral model consist of qrouie six phase which are:-
(1) customer communication                                       (2) planning, risk analyzer      
(3) engineering, construction & releare                        (4) coding 
(A) i, ii, iii, iv               (B) i, ii, iii, iv                           (C) i, iii, iv, v               (D) none of these
  1. Spiral model consist of around are task regions or phase.
(A) 6                            (B) 5                                        (C) 7                            (D) 4

  1. in RAD model non of these phase:-
(A) Business modeling                                                 (B) data modeling        (C) tasting & turnover              (D) risk analyses

  1. Match the following :-
Failure fault oleos not real
This involves modifying the system
Damage assessment safe state
The system must restore state to a mourn
Fault recovery deeded
Which have been affected by the failure must be
Fault repair combinations has
The system must detected a particular state resulted or will result in system failure
(A) 1 – M, 2 – N, 3 – O, 4 – P                                     (B) 1 – P, 2 – O, 3 – N, 4 – M
(C) 1 – O, 2 – M, 3 – P, 4 – N                                     (D) None of these         
  1. State true – false for data – flow model :-
(1) It supports the reuse of transform actions.
(2) Evolving system by not adding new transformation is usually straight forward.
(3) It is simple to implement either as a can current or a sequential system.
(A) TTF                       (B) TFT                                   (C) TFF                        (D) FFT
  1. Which are main types of notation used in design documents
(1) Graphical notation (2) Internal text                                    (3) Program description language
(A) 1, 2                                    (B) 2, 3                                                (C) 1, 3                                    (D) All of these
  1. Match the following :-
Data store
Direction of data flow
Used to link data flow when more than one data flow
Keyword “and” “and” of”
User interaction with system.
(A) 1 – M, 2 – P, 3 – N, 4 – O                                                (B) 1 – N, 2 – P, 3 – M, 4 – O
(C) 1 – O, 2 – M, 3 – N, 4 – P                                     (D) 1 – M, 2 – O, 3 – M, 4 – P
  1. Which are the version management tools :-
(1) Version & release identification                             (2) Controlled change
(3) Storage management                                              (4) Change history recording
(A) 1, 2, 3                    (B) 2, 3, 4                                (C) 1, 2, 4                    (D) All of these  
  1. Match the following :-
Adaptive maintenance environment such as
Mean changing the software to some new different H/W platform
Projective maintenance software
Concerned with fixing reported errors in the software
Corrective maintance
Involves implementing new functioned or non functioned system.
(a) 1 – A, 2 – C, 3 – B                                                 (b) 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A
(c) 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B                                                             (d) 1 – C, 2 – B, 3 – C
  1. Match the following :-
Version & release identification
Change made to a particular system or component
Controlled change versions
To reduce the storage space required to different versions
Storage management
Components must be checked out explicitly
Change history recording
Version – may be assigned identifiers automatically to the system
(A) 1 – M, 2 – N, 3 – O, 4 – P                                                 (B) 1 – O, 2 – P, 3 – M, 4 – N
(C) 1 – P, 2 – O, 3 – N, 4 – M                                                (D) None of these
  1. Control structure testing induces
(1) Independent path testing                                        (2) Condition testing   
(3) Data flow testing                                                    (4) Loop testing
(A) 1 – 2 – 3                (B) 1 – 3 – 4                            (C) 2 – 3 – 4                (D) All of these
  1. Using white box testing the software engineer can derive easer that
(1) Exercise internal data structure                               (2) Exercise all independent path
(3) Execute all program with syntax test                                  (4) Execute all loops at their boundaries
(A) 1 – 4                      (B) 1 – 2 – 3                            (C) 1 – 2 – 4                (D) All of these
  1. Graph based testing can be used to describe the use of
(1) Program                  (2) BVA                                   (3) Equivalence           partitioning (4) Independent path
(A) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4          (B) 1 – 2 – 3                            (C) 1 – 3                      (D) 1 – 2 – 4
  1. SQA activities includes
(1) Development testing                                                           (2) Feasibility study                
(3) Installation testing                                                  (4) Performance monitoring
(A) 1 – 4                      (B) 1 – 3 – 4                            (C) 1 – 2 – 3                (D) All of these
  1. Back to back testing is usually possible when :- 
(1) A system prototype is unavailable                         
(2) Reliable system are developed using N – version programming.
(3) Different version of a system have been developed for different type of computer.
(A) 1 – 2                      (B) 1 – 3                                  (C) 2 – 3                      (D) All of these
  1. The principle of testing includes
(1) All tests should be traceable to customer requirements
(2) The pare to principle applies to the software testing.
(3) Test should be planned long before testing
(4) Exhaustive testing must be conducted
(A) 1 – 2 – 3                (B) 2 – 3 – 4                            (C) 1 – 3 – 4                (D) All of these
  1. Match the following :-
The fewer the changes the fewer the disruptions to testing
The better it work the better it can be tested
What you see is what you test
The less there is to test the more quickly we can test it.
(A) 1 – N, 2 – P, 3 – M, 4 – O                                                (B) 1 – P, 2 – N, 3 – O, 4 – M
(C) 1 – P, 2 – M, 3 – N, 4 – O                                     (D) None of these
  1. State true / false according to white box testing.
(1) Exercise all logical decision on their true and false sides  
(2) Exercise all variable          
(3) Execute all loops at there boundaries
(A) TTT                       (B) TFT                                   (C) FFF                                    (D) TFF

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