Sunday, 29 July 2012

MC0061, Programming in C

Computer Programming “C Language”
Part- A
Q1.  C was developed in the year …………………….
   A.1978                         B. 1956                       C. 1972           D.1980                                                    
Q2. Name the inventor of ‘C’ language.
A. dennise ritchi            B. george bool            C. georo        d. none
Q3.Which of the following types of operators are used in C ?
  A. Asighnment operator      B.Conditional operator
  C.Bitwise operator              D.All of these
Q4.   what is true  about break statement.
A. breaks a loop   B. to break a function exit from a main function D.none
Q5.For if-else ,if test condition fails then which part will be executed:
A. if block      B. else block        C. next to if –else      D. both part of if-else
Q6.The range for integer  is …………………to ………………………………………….
  1. 0-127               B. -32768  to 32767                C. 0-64635                              D. None
Q7.Which of the following is an exit –controlled loop in C?
    A.for loop          B.while loop loop     D.none
Q8. ‘=’ This sign act as an …………………………………………………………………
  1. Arthmatic                    B. Logical                   C. Assignment            D. All
Q9. Write any two preprocessor directives1……………………….2 ……………………
  1. #include ,# define B. #include<stdio.h> ,# include <conio.h> C. conio.h , stdio.h D . none
Q10 Which of the following function reads a line of input into a string?
    A.  getstr( )            B.  getch( )           C.    gets( )        D.   getchar( )
Q11.Tiek the correct one:-
A \b’ – blank space                         b ‘\n’ – line return.
C ‘\0’= form feed                            D ‘\r’= null character
Q12. Function can
a) Return only one value at a time
b) Return many values depending on the arguments
c) Both a and b               d) none of the above          
Q13. which statement is false
(A)  printf (“sum of two nos =%d\n” , sum);
(B)  printf (‘%s, name);
(C)  prientf (“Enter the value of b “, & b);
(D)  prientf (Enter your name “)
Q14. Which is true?
(A) # include <stio.h>             (B) # include <stdio.h>
(C) # include “stdio.h”            (D) # include<math.h>
(A) A, B, C, D                        (B) A, C                      (C) C, B          (D) A, B, C

Q15. <Studio.h>is a header file of
(A) String manipulation function                    (B) Mathematical function
(C) Input/Output function                              (D) Standard library funcation
Q16 # Include is used for
(A) To define a macro                                                 (B) to include the content of file
(C) To include undefined macro                     (D) none
Q17 To display integer value in C, we use
(A) %f                         (B) %d                        (C) %c             (D) %s
Q18 which of these is a advantage of Array
(A)  data items stored under single variable name
(B)  array saves the memory space
(C)  arrange the data in particular order
(D)  all of above
Q19 Which operator is used for dereferencing?
   (A) à       (B)   #      (C) &     (D)  *
Q20 External variables are
            (A) Global       (B) local          (C) static         (D) None
Q21 Fastest storage class is
            (A) External storage class                   (B) static storage class
            (C) Automatic storage class                (D) Register variable
Q22 Strcat is used to
            (A) find the length of string               (B) concat two string
            (C) compare two strings                      (D) none
Q23.C is a programming language:-
              (A)high level language  ( B)middle level language(C) lowlevel language
              ( D)  middle level language
Q24.   ?: is which type of  operater?
 (A) unary  (B) binary (C) ternary  (D)none of above
Q25. what is the result of the following program:-
(A)  16
(B)   32
(C)   20
(D)  48
Q26. what is the value of  A or C after the execution of program:
              Void main( )
                       int a,b,c;
            (A)a=4,c=6 (B)a=3,c=8( c)a=3,c=7(D)a=4,c=8

 Q27. a variable which holds the memory location of the variable called:
          (A)function (B)pointer(C)structure(D)array
 Q28.  A  loop that executes the statements at least once ,even if the condition fails for the first time:-
          (A)for ( B)while(C)do-while(d)none of  above
Q29.  Go to statement  is used for
        (A)unconditional jump ( b)conditional branching (c) jump(d) none
Q30  matrix is called:-
         (A)single dimension array( B)double dimension array(c)both a and b(D)none of  above
Q31. In the single dimensional array values are stored ……..with respective range.
            (A) Row wise              (B) Column wise         (C) Row X Column wise        (D) None
Q32. The … is a modular programming concept which consists of instructions.
            (A) Array        (B) Function                (C) Program                (D) Process
Q33. Declaration of a function before it is used is called .
            (A) Function definition           (B) function prototype           
(C) Function declaration         (D) None
Q34. C program should be start as…………….
            (A) Array        (B) Function                (C) Structure               (D) None
Q35. The library function getch()
(A)  Returns character when any key is pressed
(B)   Returns a character when enter is pressed
(C)   Returns and displays a character on the screen when any key is pressed
(D)  Returns none of the above
Q36.Choose the right sequence of operators from lowest precedence to highest.
            (A) ++,+,(),+,=            (B) +=,+,++,()             (C) (),+=,++,+             (D)+=,+,++,()
Q37.In context of the switch statement consider these two statements
1.      Only one variable is tested.
2.      Each possible value of the variable can control a single branch.
Which of these is true?
(A) 1               (B) 2                 (C) both           (D) None
Q38.The three statements in for loop parenthesis are in sequence
            (A) Update, condition, initializes                   (B) initialize, condition, update
            (C) Condition, update, initialize                     (D) initialize, update, condition
Q39.An external variable is one
(A)  which is globally accessibly by all function
(B)   which is a declare out side the body of any function
(C)   which resides in the mummery till the end of program
(D)  all of the above
Q40.which type of variables is initialized automatically?
            (A) Automatic             (B) External                (C) Static         (D) Register               
                                                        PART -B
Q41.When the function call by itself is called
            (A) Loop                     (B) Recursion              (C) Structure   (D) Union
Q42.Preprocessor directives are used in c program
            (A) Including files                  (B) conditional compilation
            (C) Substitution of values       (D) all the above
Q43. Statements which are executed before the program complied is called
            (A) Comments                        (B) preprocessor directives
            (C) Conditional statements     (D) none the above
 Q44. The function which returns the keying in characters in the screen is
            (A) getch()                  (B) getche()                 (C) getchar()                (D) clrscr()
Q45. Which is not the advantage of pointers?
(A)  pointers are pointing to different data types and structures
(B)  to return single value via function
(C)  to achieve a clarity and simplicity
(D)  to return multiple value via function
Q46.Which statements are true?
            1. The array range starts from zero up to specified final value
            2. Subscript range must be –ve integer content
(A). both are true        (B) 1is true      (C) 2is true      (D) both are false
Q47.which is not a liner data structure?
            (A) Array        (B) tree                        (C) linked list              (D) queue
Q48. What is the result of the following program?
            Int a= 10;
            (A) 21              (B) 22           (C) 20                 (D) error
Q49.What is the result of the following program ?
int a ;
while (a<10);
printf (“\n Value is %d”,a);
(A) It will print 0-10values                 (B) it will print 0-9values
(C) Give error                                      (D) NO result
Q50. which statements are true ?
  1. C is a structured programming language
  2. C supports poor set of data types
  3. C is unstructured programming language
  4. C supports rich set of data types
(A) 1,2                   (B) 1,3,4                      (C) 1,4                         (D)1,2,3

Q.51.what will be the output of the program .
            Main ()
            care ch=’m’;
            putch (‘M’);
            putch (ch);
            putchar (ch);
(A) mmm                     (b) Mmm         (C) mmm                     (d )MmM
Q52. Which of the following is used in  global variable,
a) extern    b) static    c) auto            d) all the above
Q53. What is output
Void main ()
char suite = ‘3’
switch (suite)
case ‘1’ : printf (“ Diamond”);
case ‘2’ : printf (“ spade”)
default : printf (“Heart”);
a) Heart                       b) Diamond                      c) Spade               d) None
Q54.The gets () and puts () functions are
a) unformatted IO functions            b) formatted IO functions
c) disk IO function                          d) none of the above
   Q55.  ____________ is a self-contained block of statements that perform a
coherent task of same kind
a) Package              b) Function            c) Both a and b            d) None of the above
Q56. Preprocessor commands are known as ______________
a) directive             b) directives             c) macros          d) none of the above
Q.57 A header file is
a) A file that contains standard library functions
b) A file that contains definitions and macros
c) A file that contains user defined functions
d) A file that is current working directory
Q58. Every line in a ‘C’ program should end with a
a) :            b)  ;              c) .                     d) none of these
Q59.What is the range of unsigned char
a) -128 to 127     b) 0 to 255   c) -255 to 255     d) none of the above
Q60. The output of print f (“%d”, ‘a’) will be
a) syntax error            b) 65             c) 97         d) none of the above
                                                         Part -C
Q61. Which of the following can not be used for return type?
a) void                     b) float                   c) double             d) none

Q62. What is the output
Void main ( )
{ int a =30;
fun (a) ;
printf (“%d”, b);
a) 60,30              b) 30,50            c) 60,60              d) none
Q63.strncpy ( )
a) copies a string into another
b) copies first n character of one string into another
c) copies last n characters of one string into another
d)none of these
Q64.The members of structure are by default
a) private         b) public          c) only a or b             d) both a and b
Q65. Recursion is related to
a) loop            b) data types              c) none                d) functions
Q67.The do_while loop is
a) top testing             b) bottom testing             c) both a & b          d) none of the above
Q68. If x=5 and y= x++ and z=++x then what is the value of y and z
a) 5,5             b) 5,6             c) 6,5                 d) 6,6              
Q69.A string is termined by a ____ character which is written as ____
a) null, ‘\0’          b) new line ‘\n’          c) both a & b           d) none of the above
Q70.Match the following….
          (a)bit wise AND                  (a)<<=  >>=
          (b)bitwise shift operators         (b)&
          (c)assignment operators            (c)<<  >>
          (d)relational operators              (d)=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,&=,|=,<<=,>>=             
(a)a-b,b-c,c-d,d     (b)a-b,b-d,c-b,d-a  (c)a-b,b-a,c-d,d           (d)a-c,b-a,c-d,d-b  
Q71.Match the following….
     (a)strcat()     (a)compare two string
          (b)strcpy()    (b)copies a string into another
(c)strlen ()    (c)append one string at the end of another
          (d)strcmp()  (d)find length of string
 (a)a-b,b-c.c-d,d-a (b)a-c,b-b,c-d,d-a (c)a-d,b-c,c-b,d-a (d)a-b,b-c,c-a,d-d
Q72. Tick correct  string constant ….
          (a)”hello”       (b)”1987          (c)”?......!”            (d)’5+3’
   (a)a,b                 (b)a,c           (c)a,d           (d)c,d
Q73. Classification of function as…
          (a)built in                        (b)user define function
          (c)standard function                  (d)all of above
Q74.Write true and false…
          (a)the keyword extern is optional in some c compilers.  (   )
          (b)binary operators use two operands. (  )                    
          (c)unary operator  use a single operands (  )            
           (d)ternary operator use two operands. (  )
Q75.Match the following….
          (a)int or signed int                   (a)0 to 4,294,967,295
          (b)unsigned int                       (b)-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
          (c)long int or signed long int    (c)0 to 65535
          (d)unsigned long int                (d)-32,768 to 32,767

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